The research interests in this Lab include dynamical systems and applications in geophysical and chemical systems,biophysical and chemical systems. Key members include Stephen Wiggins, Lorena Barba, Jinqiao Duan, Xinchu Fu, Congping Lin, Yiwei Zhang, and Jianxun Fu.
Professor Stephen Wiggins
PhD(Cornell University, USA)
Professor of Applied MathematicsSummary Applied Mathematics ![]() • Fluids and Materials • Applied Mathematics Research themes • Fluid Dynamics • Dynamical Systems and Statistical Mechanics • Scientific Computing Recent publications • Fortunati, A & Wiggins, SR, 2016, ‘Integrability and strong normal forms for non-autonomous systems in a neighbourhood of an equilibrium’. Journal of Mathematical Physics, vol 57. • García-Garrido, V, Ramos, A, Mancho, A, Coca, J & Wiggins, S, 2016, ‘A dynamical systems perspective for a real-time response to a marine oil spill’. Marine Pollution Bulletin, vol 112., pp. 201-210 • Iniesta, FB, Lopesino, C, Wiggins, SR & Mancho, AM, 2016, ‘Lagrangian descriptors for stochastic differential equations: a tool for revealing the phase portrait of stochastic dynamical systems’. International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos. • Lopesino, C, Balibrea, F, Garcia-Garrido, V, Wiggins, S & Mancho, AM, 2016, ‘A theoretical framework for Lagrangian descriptors’. International Journal of Bifurcation & Chaos. • Fortunati, A & Wiggins, S, 2016, ‘Negligibility of small divisor effects in the normal form theory for nearly-integrable Hamiltonians with decaying non-autonomous perturbations’. Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy, vol 125., pp. 247?262 • Mauguiere, FAL, Collins, PRC, Stamatiadis, S, Li, A, Ezra, G, Farantos, S, Kramer, ZC, Carpenter, B, Wiggins, SR & Guo, H, 2016, ‘Towards Understanding the Roaming Mechanism in H + MgH → Mg + HH Reaction’. Journal of Physical Chemistry A, vol 120., pp. 5145-5154 • Mauguiere, FAL, Collins, PRC, Kramer, ZC, Carpenter, B, Ezra, G, Farantos, S & Wiggins, SR, 2016, ‘Phase space barriers and dividing surfaces in the absence of critical points of the potential energy: Application to roaming in ozone’. The Journal of Chemical Physics, vol 144. • Mauguiere, FAL, Collins, PRC, Kramer, ZC, Carpenter, BK, Ezra, GS, Farantos, S & Wiggins, SR, 2015, ‘Phase Space Structures Explain Hydrogen Atom Roaming in Formaldehyde Decomposition’. The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, vol 6., pp. 4123?4128 • Fortunati, A & Wiggins, SR, 2015, ‘Normal forms á la moser for a periodically time-dependent hamiltonians in the vicinity of a hyperbolic equilibrium’. Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems - Series S.