姓名:向茂松 |
职称:副研究员 |
性别:男 |
电话: |
邮件:msxiang@hust.edu.cn |
基本信息: |
教育背景: Educational background: 2013/9-2017/6: BICMR, Peking University, Beijing, Ph.D. in Mathematics. 2015/9-2017/5, Pennsylvania State University, USA, CSC joint Ph.D. program. 2010/9-2013/6: Capital Normal University, Beijing, Master in Mathematics. 2005/9-2009/6: UESTC, Chengdu, Bachelor in Mathematics.
工作经历: |
研究领域: Research fields: Higher algebraic and derived geometric aspects in Mathematical physics.
科研成果: Scientific achievements: Zhuo Chen, Honglei Lang, Maosong Xiang, Atiyah classes of strongly homotopy Lie pairs, To appear in Algebra Colloquium. Available at arXiv: 1609.00984. Zhuo Chen, Maosong Xiang, Ping Xu, Atiyah and Todd classes arising from integrable distributions, Journal of Geometry and Physics (2018); https://doi.org/10.1016/j.geomphys.2018.10.011.
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