SUNDAY, MONDAY AND TUESDAY, December 13 – 15, 2015
Dear Colleague:
You are cordially invited to participate in the 114th Statistical Mechanics Conference at Rutgers University, December 13 – 15, 2015. At this meeting, we will celebrate the achievements of our guests of honor: David Ruelle and Yakov Sinai.
Below is a list of speakers and, where available, the title of their talk. A more complete conference program will be sent out to you later.
Please register on our website both for attendance and for presenting a short talk.You will find there options to either pay online or pay at the conference by cash or check. You may also register and mail your payment by check in advance.
To register and pay in advance, please visit
If you have registered and paid in advance and would like to give a short talk, after you register, please use this link to also register to give a short talk
To register and pay at the conference please visit
(option to give a short talk is included in this registration)
All details of the meeting (i.e. lodging, transportation, abstracts, etc.) are also posted on the website at|35/114th-statistical-mechanics-conference
If you are having any difficulties registering for the conference please contact Avishag
Please let us know of any colleagues or students who should be added to our mailing list. Also, please send us information about positions wanted or available, etc.
Looking forward to seeing you here.
With best wishes,
Michael Aizenman - TBA
Pavel Bleher - Six-vertex model with partial domain wall boundary conditions. Exact solution
Leonid Bunimovich - TBA
Eric Carlen - TBA
Dmitry Dolgopyat - Local Limit Theorem for Sums of Independent Random Variables
Weinan E - The Stability of Laminar Shear Flow
Peter Fratzl - TBA
Giovanni Gallavotti - TBA
Michael Goldstein - TBA
Vojkan Jaksic - TBA
Chris Jarzynski - TBA
Lana Jitomirskaya - TBA
Anatole Katok - TBA
Kostya Khanin - TBA
Yuri Kifer - Advances in Nonconventional Limit Theorems
Alex Kontorovich - Applications of Ruelle transfer operators
Roman Kotecky - TBA
Gabriel Kotliar - TBA
Jorge Kurchan - The dynamics of evolving populations as thermal systems
Dong Li - TBA
Elliot Lieb - TBA
Carlangelo Liverani - TBA
Valerio Lucarini - TBA
Gregory Margulis - TBA
Clement Mouhot - Commuting the mean-field and classical limits in quantum mechanics
Serguei Novikov Singular Solitons and Indefinite Metrtic
Leonid Pastur - TBA
Yakov (Yasha) Pesin - TBA
Luc Ray-Bellet - TBA
Eugene Speer - TBA
Tom Spencer - TBA
Domokos Szasz - TBA
David Vanderbilt - TBA
Srinivasa (Raghu) Varadhan - TBA
Michael Vogelius - TBA
Victor Yakhot - TBA
Lai-sang Young - TBA