Title:On Classical BV formalism of Yang-Mills-Higgs theory
Location: Center for Mathematical Sciences, Room 813
The BV formalism in quantum field theory can be viewed as a theory about higher (derived, stacky) geometry. However, this point of view has not been much explored in understanding field theories in Lorentzian space-time. In this talk, I shall begin by explaining why derived geometry is important in field theories. Then we define classical BV theory. The slogan is, "classical BV = derived moduli problem". Using the theory of infinite dimensional (derived, formal) manifolds locally modeled on bornological spaces, we shall make precise the above slogan. Then we shall define shifted Poisson structures on the classical moduli, and show that the shifted structure can be related to the Peierls structure by transgression. If time permits, we shall also briefly discuss the stacky case and the YMH theory. The talk is based on joint work with James Wallbridge.