
Hybrid stochastic modeling of the budding yeast cell cycle control mechanism

作者:    发布时间:2018-07-01    浏览次数:
​Title: Hybrid stochastic modeling of the budding yeast cell cycle control mechanism报告人:曹阳时间:2018年7月2日  11 : 00 - 12 : 00地点  :创新研究院813Abstract: The budding yeast cell cycle is regulated by complex and multi-scale control mechanisms, and is subject to inherent noise, resulted from low copy numbers of species in a cell. Noise in cellular systems is often modeled and simulated...

Title: Hybrid stochastic modeling of the budding yeast cell cycle control mechanism


时间:2018年7月2日  11 : 00 - 12 : 00

地点  :创新研究院813

The budding yeast cell cycle is regulated by complex and multi-scale control mechanisms, and is subject to inherent noise, resulted from low copy numbers of species in a cell. Noise in cellular systems is often modeled and simulated with Gillespie's stochastic simulation algorithm (SSA). However, the low efficiency of SSA limits its application to large practical biochemical networks, which often present multi-scale features in two aspects: species with different scales of abundances and reactions with different scales of firing frequencies.

To improve the efficiency of stochastic simulations, Haseltine and Rawlings (HR) proposed a hybrid algorithm, which combines ordinary differential equations (ODEs) for traditional deterministic models and SSA for stochastic models. In this talk, we will present a comprehensive hybrid model that represents a gene-protein regulatory network of the budding yeast cell cycle control mechanism, respectively, by Gillespie’s stochastic simulation algorithm (SSA) and ordinary differential equations (ODEs). Simulation results of our model are compared with published experimental measurement on the budding yeast cell cycle, which demonstrates that our hybrid model well represents many critical characteristics of the budding yeast cell cycle, and reproduces phenotypes of more than 100 mutant cases. The proposed scheme is considerably faster in both modeling and simulation than the equivalent stochastic simulation. Meanwhile, the accuracy of the HR hybrid method is studied based on a linear chain reaction system.

曹阳简介:曹阳教授先后在清华大学获得理学学士,硕士及博士(数学)等学位,然后在加州大学圣巴巴拉分校获得博士学位(计算机)。目前为弗吉尼亚理工大学(Virginia Tech)计算机系副教授。并先后在牛津大学数学中心,加州大学尔湾分校数学系及田纳西大学生物数学中心短期担任访问教授。
