
Local well-posedness for the quantum Zakharov system in one spatial dimension

作者:史习伟    发布时间:2017-07-17    浏览次数:
报告人:史习伟(成功大学)报告题目:Local well-posedness for the quantum Zakharov system in one spatial dimension报告时间:2017年7月18日下午4:00报告地点:华中科技大学恩明楼813室摘要:We consider the quantum Zakharov system in one spatial dimension and establish a local well-posedness theory when the initial data of the electric field and the deviation of the ion density lie in a Sobolev space w...


报告题目:Local well-posedness for the quantum Zakharov system in one spatial dimension



摘要:We consider the quantum Zakharov system in one spatial dimension and establish a local well-posedness theory when the initial data of the electric field and the deviation of the ion density lie in a Sobolev space with suitable regularity. As the quantum parameter approaches zero, we formally recover a classical result by Ginibre, Tsutsumi, and Velo. We also improve their result concerning the Zakharov system and a result by Jiang, Lin, and Shao concerning the quantum Zakharov system.