
Mathematical modeling of interactive wild and paratransgenic mosquitoes

作者:李佳    发布时间:2017-06-20    浏览次数:
时间:2017年6月21日15:00—16:00报告人:李佳教授(The University of Alabama)报告题目:Mathematical modeling of interactive wild and paratransgenic mosquitoes地点:数学中心813摘要:We formulate homogeneous and stage-structured models for the interactive wild mosquitoes and paratransgenic mosquitoes carrying genetically-modified bacteria which are resistant to malaria transmissions. We establish ...


报告人:李佳教授(The University of Alabama)

报告题目:Mathematical modeling of interactive wild and paratransgenic mosquitoes


摘要:We formulate homogeneous and stage-structured models for the interactive wild mosquitoes and paratransgenic mosquitoes carrying genetically-modified bacteria which are resistant to malaria transmissions. We establish conditions for the existence and stability of the equilibria for the model systems and provide numerical examples to demonstrate our findings. We then investigate how the bacteria uptake rate of wild mosquitoes and the bacteria loads of paratransgenic mosquitoes carrying affect their interactive dynamics.