
Mathematical modeling by random ordinary dierential equations and their applications in biology and medicine.

作者:Yusuke Asai    发布时间:2015-09-24    浏览次数:
Two seminars at Center for Mathematical Sciences, September 24, Thursday, 报告(一) 时间:Sept 24, Thursday,10am-11am 地点:Center for Mathematical Sciences, Room813 (创新研究院恩明楼813室) 报告人: ......

Two seminars at Center for Mathematical Sciences, September 24, Thursday,


时间:Sept 24, Thursday,10am-11am

地点:Center for Mathematical Sciences, Room813 (创新研究院恩明楼813室)

报告人:Yusuke Asai(nstitut fur Biostatistik und mathematische Modellierung, Klinikum und Fachbereich Medizin, Goethe-Universitat Frankfurt)

标题:Mathematical modeling by random ordinary dierential equations and their applications in biology and medicine.

摘要:Random ordinary differential equations (RODEs) are ordinary differential

equations which have a stochastic process in their vector field functions.

They have been used in a wide range of applications and play an important

role in the theory of random dynamical systems, however, they have been

long overshadowed by SDEs.

In this talk, Firstly, I will give an overview of RODEs. After a brief introduction

of RODEs, numerical methods for RODEs with It^o diffusion can

be constructed via RODE{SODE transformation and It^o{Taylor schemes

as well as linear multi-step methods are derived. In addition, numerical

methods for RODEs with the structure will be discussed.

The developed numerical methods will be applied to biological and medical

models, e.g., hepatitis C virus kinetic model, tumor growth model and

pattern formation, and the accuracy of the methods as well as their computational

costs will be compared.


时间:Sept 24, Thursday, 11am-12noon

地点:Center for Mathematical Sciences, Room813 (创新研究院恩明楼813室)

报告人:Daomin Cao (Institute for Applied Mathematics Chinese Academy of Sciences)

标题:Pohozaev type identities and their applications in partial differential equations