
On smoothness of extremizers to the Tomas-Stein inequality for S^1

作者:Shuanglin Shao    发布时间:2015-12-25    浏览次数:
Three Seminars on Friday, December 25, 14:30 –17:30 Center for Mathematical Sciences, Room 813 报告(一) 时间:2015年12月25日(星期五)14:30–15:30 地点:华中科技大学数学中心(创新研究院 恩明楼813 ......

Three Seminars on Friday, December 25, 14:30 –17:30

Center for Mathematical Sciences, Room 813



地点:华中科技大学数学中心(创新研究院 恩明楼813)

报告人:Wu Jianglun, Swansea University, 教授

报告题目:Maximum principles for Levy Type Markov Generators

摘要: As a sub-class of Levy type Markov generators, second order (elliptic) Waldenfels operators appear naturally when considering the problem of construction of (in particular jump type) Markov processes with boundary conditions. In this talk, parabolic Waldenfels operators will be introduced. Weak and strong maximum principles as well as the boundary point lemma for such operators will be discussed. The talk is based on a working paper joint with Jinqiao Duan and Qiao Huang.



地点:华中科技大学数学中心(创新研究院 恩明楼813)

报告人:Shao Shuanglin,University of Kansas, USA

报告题目: On smoothness of extremizers to the Tomas-Stein inequality for S^1

摘要: The Tomas-Stein inequality for the sphere is fundamental in harmonic analysis and is of Fourier-restriction type; its variants, the Strichartz inequality, are useful in partial differential equations. We discuss the extremal problem for this inequality including the questions of proving existence and characterizations of extremizers. In this talk, we will focus on proving smoothness of extremizers to the Tomas-Stein inequality for the one dimensional sphere.



地点:华中科技大学数学中心(创新研究院 恩明楼813)


报告题目:Partial Regularity of Suitable Weak Solutions to the fractional Navier-Stokes Equations

摘要:We study suitable weak solutions to the 3D fractional incompressible Navier-Stokes equations. We give partial regularity criteria on suitable weak solutions for both steady and nonsteady cases and moreover we estimate Hausdorff dimension of singular sets of suitable weak solutions.