

Author:    Publicsh date:2022-07-07    Clicks:
Li Guoping Lectures in Mathematical Sciences Speaker: 徐晓濛 (北京大学) Title: The Stokes phenomenon in the WKB approximation of a meromorphic ODE Time: 2022.06.23, Thursday 9:30—11:30 am (Beijing) 腾讯会议: 969-586-316 Abstract: The Stokes phenomenon, discovered in the study of Airy function around 185 7, describes the jump of asymptotics of solutions of meromorphic linear ODEs at irregular s...

Li Guoping Lectures in Mathematical Sciences

Speaker: 徐晓濛 (北京大学)

Title: The Stokes phenomenon in the WKB approximation of a meromorphic ODE

Time: 2022.06.23, Thursday 9:30—11:30 am (Beijing)

腾讯会议: 969-586-316

Abstract: The Stokes phenomenon, discovered in the study of Airy function around 185 7, describes the jump of asymptotics of solutions of meromorphic linear ODEs at irregular singularities. This talk gives an introduction to the Stokes phenom enon. It then relates the Stokes matrices in the WKB approximation, of a mer omorphic ODE, with the periods on the underlying spectral curves.

Biography: 徐晓濛,2016 年毕业于瑞士日内瓦大学数学系并获博士学位,2016 年 9 月 至 2019 年 6 月在美国麻省理工学院做博士后研究。2019 年 7 月加入北京 大学任研究员、博士生导师。徐晓濛研究员的研究兴趣围绕伪全纯微分方 程组的 Stokes 现象及其在辛几何、表示论等领域的应用,在 Comm. Math. Phys., Adv. Math., IMRN 等杂志发表论文多篇