
Abrupt transitions in Earth system dynamics

Author:    Publicsh date:2019-12-11    Clicks:
​报告名称: Abrupt transitions in Earth system dynamics报告人: Niklas Boers (Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research)报告时间:2019年12月16日(星期一)10:00-11:00报告地点:创新研究院数学中心813教室 报告摘要: Paleoclimate evidence suggests that several subsystems of the Earth may abruptly change their state as a response to gradual changes in forcing. Key examples include, among others, th...

报告名称: Abrupt transitions in Earth system dynamics
报告人: Niklas Boers (Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research)
报告摘要: Paleoclimate evidence suggests that several subsystems of the Earth may abruptly change their state as a response to gradual changes in forcing. Key examples include, among others, the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC), the polar ice sheets, and the Amazon rainforest. In this talk, I will summarize some recent results on dynamical-system approaches relevant for these subsystems, including potential early-warning indicators for destabilization. I will start with the Dansgaard-Oeschger events, characterized by recurrent abrupt temperature jumps of up to 16K in Greenland that occurred synchronously with shifts in AMOC strength during previous glacial intervals. Therafter, I will discuss reconstructions of Greenland ice sheet meltwater runoff for the last two centuries and how recent increases may be related to the melt-elevation feedback. Finally, the resilience of the Amazon rainforest will be analyzed with respect to both deforestation and projected changing precipitation patterns in tropical South America.
报告人介绍:Niklas Boers 博士2015年获得洪堡大学理论物理博士学位。目前在波兹坦气候影响研究所工作。他的研究方向是:复杂网络分析,极端气候研究。近年来在Nature, Science Advance, Nature Geoscience, Nature communications, Geophysical Research Letters, Jounal of Geophysical Research 等顶级期刊发表论文30余篇。