

Author:    Publicsh date:2019-08-13    Clicks:
欢迎大家周四(8/15)上午10点 来数学中心813教室听报告,报告人王丽是金石的学生,现在在美国明尼苏达大学数学系任教。Speaker: Li Wang (assistant professor,University of Minnesota)时间:2019年 8月15日 上午10:00-12:00Title: Variational numerical methods for Wasserstein gradient flowAbstract: We develop a variational method for nonlinear equations with a gradient flow structure. Such equations aris...

欢迎大家周四(8/15)上午10点 来数学中心813教室听报告,报告人王丽是金石的学生,现在在美国明尼苏达大学数学系任教。

Speaker: Li Wang assistant professorUniversity of Minnesota)

时间:2019年 8月15日 上午10:00-12:00

Title: Variational numerical methods for Wasserstein gradient flow

Abstract: We develop a variational method for nonlinear equations with a gradient flow structure. Such equations arise in applications of a wide range, such as porous median flows, material science, animal swarms, and chemotaxis. Our method builds on the JKO framework, which evolves the equation as a gradient flow with respect to the Wasserstein metric. As a result, our method has built-in positivity preserving, entropy decreasing properties, and overcomes stability issue due to the strong nonlinearity and degeneracy. We further modify the formulation by adding a Fisher information regularization so that second order information can be used to accelerate the convergence.