
Moduli spaces of sheaves and their Picard groups

Author:    Publicsh date:2019-03-06    Clicks:
Title:Moduli spaces of sheaves and their Picard groupsSpeaker:林胤榜(丘成桐数学科学中心)Time:2018.12.10-12Location: Center for Mathematical Sciences, Room 813​摘要: In the first half of the talk, I will give an introduction to the moduli theory of sheaves. I will then review some known results on the Picard groups of these moduli spaces. Based on related methods, I will talk about the Pic...

Title:Moduli spaces of sheaves and their Picard groups



Location: Center for Mathematical Sciences, Room 813

摘要: In the first half of the talk, I will give an introduction to the moduli theory of sheaves. I will then review some known results on the Picard groups of these moduli spaces. Based on related methods, I will talk about the Picard group of the moduli space of higher rank sheaves over a projective surface. This last part is work in progress. Various parts are conducted jointly with Jun Li, Howard Nuer, Xiaolei Zhao and Yi Xie.