
Poisson cohomology of holomorphic toric Poisson manifolds

Author:    Publicsh date:2018-04-10    Clicks:
报告人:洪伟(武汉大学数学系)报告题目:Poisson ​cohomology of holomorphic toric Poisson manifolds报告时间:4月11日16:30-17:30报告地点:华科数学中心恩明楼813摘要: A holomorphic toric Poisson manifold is a smooth toric variety, equipped with a holomorphic Poisson structure, which is invariant under the torus action. In this talk, we described the Poisson cohomology groups of holomorphic toric Pois...

报告题目:Poisson cohomology of holomorphic toric Poisson manifolds

A holomorphic toric Poisson manifold is a smooth toric variety, equipped with a holomorphic Poisson structure, which is invariant under the torus action. In this talk, we described the Poisson cohomology groups of holomorphic toric Poisson manifolds. And we will explain our theory in the cases of $CP^n$ and $C^n$.