
Mathematical Modeling and Methods with Emphasis on Biological and Climate Systems

Author:James R. Brannnan    Publicsh date:2017-09-23    Clicks:
短课授课题目:Mathematical Modeling and Methods with Emphasis on Biological and Climate Systems主讲人:James R. Brannnan(Clemson University)课程时间:9月25-10月28日 每周 周一早上:9:30-11:30, 周三早上11:00-12:00, 周四下午3:30-5:30 (国庆放假除外)课程摘要:The goal of the course is to foster an appreciation of the nature of applied mathe- matics through the formulation and analysis of sele...


授课题目:Mathematical Modeling and Methods with Emphasis on Biological and Climate Systems

主讲人:James R. Brannnan(Clemson University)

课程时间:9月25-10月28日 每周 周一早上:9:30-11:30, 周三早上11:00-12:00, 周四下午3:30-5:30 (国庆放假除外)

课程摘要:The goal of the course is to foster an appreciation of the nature of applied mathe- matics through the formulation and analysis of selected problems in biology and climate modeling. The course is not a compilation of methods, which would necessarily be incomplete anyway. We hope to con- vey to the student that mathematical models are invented, or discovered, by humans, through the use of imagination, reason, experience, analogy, and yes, trial and error. Mathematical modeling is both a craft and an art. The very act of attempting to construct a mathematical model forces the modeler to ask the most cogent questions about the phenomenon being investigated. The value of a foundational approach is that it promotes a creative attitude within the mind of the applied mathematician that is much more valuable than an encyclopedia of methods.
