
Fourier Series, group characters, and character sheaves.

Author:林宗柱    Publicsh date:2017-06-30    Clicks:
学术报告:林宗柱教授(Department of Mathematics, Kansas State University Manhattan, KS 66506;三峡大学三峡数学研究中心主任)2017年7月1日下午4点,启明学院恩明楼813,欢迎大家参加!The Title: Fourier Series, group characters, and character sheaves.Abstract: Given a finite group, one of the main question is to compute the irreducible characters. Irreducible characters of a finite group form an orth...
学术报告:林宗柱教授(Department of Mathematics, Kansas State University Manhattan, KS 66506;三峡大学三峡数学研究中心主任)2017年7月1日下午4点,启明学院恩明楼813,欢迎大家参加!

The Title: Fourier Series, group characters, and character sheaves.

Abstract: Given a finite group, one of the main question is to compute the irreducible characters. Irreducible characters of a finite group form an orthonormal basis of the center of the group algebra, which is also the class function algebra. In this talk I will start from Fourier series and Fourier transforms in calculus and discuss the analogy of Fourier transform of group characters. Lusztig's character sheaf theory on an algebraic group defined over a finite field is to describe a uniform set consisting of character sheaves, analog of class functions, on which there should be a Frobenius action such that that irreducible characters of all finite groups of rational points over all finite relevant finite fields are the set of the fixed points of the Frobenius morphisms.