
Quasi-stable dissipative systems and nonlinear PDEs

Author:Igor Chueshov    Publicsh date:2015-11-04    Clicks:
报告时间:2015年11月4号(星期三) 上午11:00 报告地点:科技楼南楼702 报告人:Igor Chueshov professor(Kharkov National University, Ukraine) 报告题目:Quasi-stable dissipative systems and non ......

报告时间:2015年11月4号(星期三) 上午11:00


报告人:Igor Chueshov professor(Kharkov National University, Ukraine)

报告题目:Quasi-stable dissipative systems and nonlinear PDEs

报告摘要:We present quasi- stability method developed in collaboration with Irena Lasiecka in the study of long-time dynamics of a class infinite dimensional dissipative systems. The notion of quasi-stability is rather natural from the point of view of longtime behavior. It pertains to decomposition of the flow into exponentially stable and compact parts written for the differences of two trajectories. Although quasi-stability is often difficult to establish, once proved it provides a string of consequences that describe various properties of attractors such as smoothness and finite-dimension.As examples we consider the systems generated by nonlinear PDEs arising in wave dynamics, plasma physics,thermoelasticity of plates and fluid-structure interaction models.